ขาย Choya Royal Honey ส่งได้ทั่วไทย
Choya Royal Honey or Fruit Liqueurs are a sub-category of the wider liqueurfamily of drinks. The term fruit is used in a broad sense here, as it may apply to a number of artificially produced flavors as well as the botanical definition, as a plant structure containing seeds.
The production process of fruit-flavored liqueurs can be relatively simple. Blending is the most common and most economic production method; flavoring, coloring, sugar plus any additional ingredients, such as preservatives and stabilizers, are blended with a neutral spirit to achieve a basic fruit-flavored liqueur... Credit https://www.wine-searcher.com
สนใจสั่ง Choya Royal Honey ส่งได้ทั่วไทยนะค้ะ ใช่เวลา 3-4 วันได้รับจ้า
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